A Math problem/ Word Problem?

Okay...I hate word problems but see if you can figure this one out. Please don't just give an answer but show how you came up with it also. Alright, here's the problem: "A national chain restaurant makes a sandwich that normally gets a bun, mayo, lettuce, 2 tomatoes, onions, 4 pickles, and three rings of ketchup from a ketchup bottle. As with any other restaurant, we have customers coming in that have food allergies or may not like something and they request something be left off the sandwich. (1)How many different possibilities are there for us to fix this sandwich assuming we are not counting all the customers that request something light or heavy for this sandwich? (2)How many different possibilities are there for us to fix this sandwich assuming we are counting all the customers that request an item listed previously as light or heavy for this sandwich?


  • 1) I'm assuming the bun is always included,

    there are two options for each topping. "Normal or Not at all" for mayo, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, pickles, and ketchup.

    2 x 2 x 2 x2 x 2 x 2 = 64 possibilities.

    2) In this case, the options are "Normal, not at all, heavy, and light" 4 options. 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 = 4,096


  • I think it's 7! which is 7x6x5x4x3x2x1. And that equals 5040 possible combinations.

    This is called a factorial.

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