bite changes as dog grows - info please?

My friend has a stunning cavalier - She got him at 13 weeks old, and he had a perfect scissor bite at this age.

He's now 5 months old and his teeth aren't nearly as well aligned (he's teething at the moment)- the front teeth all seem a little 'off' and not quite spaced right now. Is he likely to end up with a good bite once his adult teeth are in, or is he likely to have a poor bite. Both mum and dad had perfect scissor bites.

It doesn't really matter as he was just bought as a pet, but she wanted good example (and health tested!!) of the breed hence going to a decent breeder. What does everyone here think if you know about how the dogs bites work? I think my friends planning on asking the breeder herself, I'm just curious as to how something like this works with dogs!


  • *Generally* a scissors bite at 8 weeks ends up scissors as an adult, but not always. Your friend's best bet is to ask the breeder. An experienced breeder knows how her line develops.

    A level or even an undershot bite won't affect the dog one bit as a pet, which is what he was bought as.

  • You need to wait until the adult teeth are all in and finished growing before you can be sure of his bite. If the parents both had good bites, chances are good he will too once he's done teething.

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