Why do people stereotype Texas as being a desert?

It's actually quite green, in the part I was in around Austin it was more like Arkansas and Missouri rather than Arizona or New Mexico.


  • Texas is a huge State. Where I live we have so many trees and I am always having to go out and pick up limbs after a small wind. You go south and you get a beach. You go Northwest and you get mountains and lakes and rivers. Go further North and you get green acres with cattle grazing everywhere.

    You go far east you get the piney woods. You go far left and that is where it has a desert look. But we have Big Bend National park down south. So I can only say Texas is a great State and a nice place to call home. Plus the people in general are far nicer.

    Why.....people think we all live in trailer parks while they live stacked on top of one another.

  • It probably has something to do with Westerns which show the dry brown part of state that begins west of I-35 and not the green lush part of the state that starts east of I-35.

    One of America's least known natural attractions is the spring wildflower season in Texas .

  • Probably from the movies that were made in the deserts of California.

    Only West Texas looks like what you see in the movies, where as there are 4 national forests in Texas, which even most Texans don't know.

  • Texas once a country is Very large and has everything from ocean, snow dessert, i lived in the Waco area for 21/2 years , very nice area.

  • For the same reason that some people think that everything east of the Mississippi is pavement and big cities, they have never been there.

  • Experience traveling West of Austin, Dallas and Houston...

  • walker texas ranger has warped their minds into thinking that texas is nothing but a desert.

    when i think of texas i think of dallas and that my friends, is no desert!

    i am from oklahoma but live about 10 minutes away from Texas border. I love that state and it is very very green. I think west texas is where most of the "dirt" and "desert" reside.

  • They know Texas from the movies. Most have no clue that Texas is larger than the country of France. Texas has mountains, desserts, marshlands, and beautiful beaches.

  • Television shows of deserts as Texas and cacti :L

  • They have never been through the entire state. West Texas is pretty barren.

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