Concrete Poem! Help needed!?

I have to create a concrete poem for my english class and the topic is: My school year. I have the creativity of a troll and all my other poems I've done myself but are about as good as a first graders poems. These are the instructions my teacher gave me:

1.Topic: my school year

2. Choose and object (shape) related to school to be the subject for your poem.

3. Write your poem. The words will be fitted into your drawing.

4. Fit your poem on half a poster board.

So yeah, I'm going to get and big fat zero on my account. So please, I need help! I have no idea what to do. Thanks(:


  • You should draw 2 hands holding eachother and in them write about how school teaches you to work with people and come together as a team. You can write "Work isn't as hard as it may seem, when we work together as a team."

  • Okay, so draw a picture. Of your school or a locker or something. Come up with a poem, any kind, and wrote the lyrics in the shape of that picture. Sorry I can't help you with your actual poem I'm terrible...

  • A pencil or pen.

    The ideas that flow from it, the words it has created that have changed history. Signatures which unite, kill, inspiration. How a pen or pencil may be something we use to learn now, but how in the future we will use it for so so so so much more.

  • Draw your signature in bubble letter cursive for your shape and write about hard work, team work, and friendship.

  • I used a hockey stick. maybe you should use an american flag symbolizing freedom? ( If it's you're first year in highschool )

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