Do you think Haiti's tragedy is natural or man-made?

All of the deaths were caused by man-made building crushing people. They had problems with this even before the earthquake due to poor foundations and zero reenforcement.


  • NO matter how they made their places, and they were made with what they had for their ecomomy so you can't blame them for that, it was still a natural disaster. America has some great buildings but Katrina and Andrew didn't give a rip about that when they came ashore and devistated all the top notch buildings. Natural disasters are simply that and you are either in the way of them or you are lucky you weren't. The bigger question should be.. "Why didn't any of the richer countries pool together and go over there as a peace gesture and build them some very strong building that could have withstood a 7. quake on the rictor scale?"

  • It was Bush's fault. He made the Earthquake happen with the same technology he used to create Katrina.

    Even Earthquake resistant buildings can crumble at 7.0. Besides Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere. The buildings reflect the countries economic viability.

  • I would say a bit of both. A 7.0 earthquake is big and even properly built buildings don't always withstand that big a quake. But poor building standards made it so much worse, as did deforestation leading to landslides.

  • Haitis a poor country, its been through so many wars and conflicts. The earth quakes that happen in san Francesco, have much less impact because, the buildings are built to withstand a certain amount of tremors, these buildings are EXPENSIVE to make and haiti simply cannot afford it. its definitely natural!

  • Mix, but mostly leftist*-made.

    That's why the damage, while naturally tapering off as you move away from the center, abruptly ends at the border.

    * Their version of Democrats.

  • great lets see how retarted the answers get.........its just an earthquake it was a really small island and the earthquake was like a 7.8 or something.

    it wasnt a bomb or bush or jesus or godzilla tottaly natural. could happen were you live =O can predict them but you cant stop them =/

  • A combination of both. People would have died regardless, but perhaps a lot less if the construction was better.

  • The earthquake is a natural tragedy but the dare poverty is man -made.Haitians use to eat mud cakes.

  • it's a natural tragedy ( earthquake ) that is made worse by the bad building designs ( people) .

  • Al Gore did warn us that there would be catastrophic events like this

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