Does this paragraph sound as natural English?

As for the Polish girl, she came across a rather complex situation when she returned to the states after having visited her father who was seriously sick. As it had happened, the Polish lady was hurrying back because she was about to give birth, but as the ship arrived late, her baby was born on board. This case was brought to a good-natured commissioner who wanted the baby to be recognized as a British citizen as it was born in a British ship; however, the British quota had exhausted the day before, as well as the Polish and Belgian ones. Fortunately, the commissioner came up with a fine solution and ruled that since the baby was intended to be born in America, it must be recognized as a native-born American citizen.


*...some mistakes


  • you have done very well, i give you an A

  • The spelling sucks, the punctuation is all wrong and it makes no sense. Perfect, you sound just like and American teenager. Well done.

  • Yes, it does seem like it sounds like native English.

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