My dog has very sensitive paws/claws?

Ever since I had my dog as a puppy, he's never let anyone touch his paws, apart from me, but even then he growls and flinched and whines. Also, the only time he ever goes to bite, is when you touch his paws.

I've looked more closely, and it's not his pads, but his claws. At the base of them, his skin is loose and you can pull it back a bit and when you wiggle his claws, they seem very loose.

He can walk fine, but I don't know if there is something wrong with him?

Because of this, he's never had his claws cut, so they're very long.

I want to know if it's something serious. Also, his front feet are worse than his back.


Also, my dogs claws are relatively short and he walks with ease, but if you think it will help me getting them cut, I will take him to the vet.

Also, I've just looked again, and at the base of his nail he seems to have a layer of something black...?

feels like hard skin?


  • No,it DOESN'T!!!!!!!!!

    It was never TRAINED ...never demanded to stop it's drama-queen BS!

    Muzzle the monster...restrain it & whack 'em back

  • This is because you never densensitized the puppy, so now you have a full grown untrained dog.

    I doubt there is anything wrong with his paws or claws, but if you are seriously concerned, then go to the vet.

    The actual claws should be rigid but the base is loose to allow for the claws the flex, bend, and adjust to different terrain and situations.

    Dogs can end up seriously injured if their claws aren't trimmed. It causes MASSIVE ortho and joint problems. You need to get this dog into a groomer to have the claws done regularly. Then you work on desensitizing the dog so you can do it at home, once you've learned how to do it.

  • I've seen this elsewhere, I cant remember whre, but the base of the claws had a problem, and the claws were removed, that was that and the dog was fine afterwards.

    It is quite common for a dog to crack or chip a claw, or sometimes people cut them back too far and their claws bleed, this usually doesnt cause discomfort, but you say your dog has done this from a puppy, so I'd say this isnt to do with the length of his claws as people have suggested.

    I'd say get him checked out by a vet, he may need his claws removing, and it could be a result of some sort of infection at his claw base, but fi he's in pain id definitely get him checked out just in case :)

  • You've seriously never cut this dog's nails and you're wondering why he flinches, growls and whines? He's in pain from those overly-long nails.

    Because you've let it go, the best thing to do now is get him to the vet to have his nails cut because they're probably going to have to cut into the quick. And learn to do those nails yourself very, very regularly and keep them short.

    There's also no way his nails should be wiggling - the vet will check that out.

  • Six years???!!! He is luck he can still walk. Take the poor dog to the Vet, have his feet looked at and get his claws clipped. He may need to be sedated if he is as bad as you say. He may have ingrown nails or a bacterial infection.

  • First of all no dog really likes their paws to be touched, so it's not just your dog. I have beagles and my older one (may she RIP) didn't not like her paws touched at all. If you take her to the vet, they will have to sedate him and then do the paws.

  • You should take him to the vet. They could give them stuff to knock em out for a while to see whats wrong.

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