college professor, fields?
i think i want to become a college professor, but im not sure what fields there are.
I love english and reading and challenging peoples brains, but i also think it'd be fun to teach a different language like french or german.
and im thinking of double majoring because they have a better chance at getting better paying jobs
so what do you think i should major in and what field (class) should i teach?
It's very hard to get a job as a college professor right now, and isn't likely to improve. There are many more people graduating with a PhD who want to teach (and often can't do anything else with that degree) than there are jobs available for them, so there are a lot of people with PhDs who are either out of work or adjunct teaching for minimum wage (no benefits). But you can become a professor in just about any field - it's a good idea to pick one that has applications outside of academia since it's so hard to find a job, so that would include math, science, engineering, law, medicine, nursing, business, etc. You will need a PhD to get a job at a 4-year college or university; you can't teach anything at the college level without at least a masters in that particular field, so a double-major on it's own won't do anything for you.
No, my father and mother are institution profs that coach a really unpopular field (math), and they are the coordinators for a few sections of it, in order that they get plenty of lawsuits. They are not idiots.
Well, my step-dad is, however that is considering that he is a man.
in english