Freshlook or Acuvue 2 color contacts?
Which are better and more comfortable?
The other thing is that Acuvue contacts only come in a base curve of 8.3 and a diameter of 14.0. Freshlook comes in base curve of 8.6 and a diameter of 14.5. My actual base curve is 8.6 and my diameter is 14.2.
That said which one's would be better for me to get?
It would be best to ask your eye doctor on this. He/she knows your eyes, and will be able to make a recommendation for you.
This was pretty well answered in your first question.
You have to go to your Dr.s and try them on first.
Even being the same base curve and diameter doesn't mean they will fit the same.
I can't tell you which is better without having seen them on your eyes in my one can .