Increased gas prices...?

I'm writing a paper on the increased gas prices and what that means to the community. What DOES that mean to the community?


Okay, let me rephrase that.... BESIDES paying more. That is quite obvious. I mean more like: people would ride bikes more. Or.. people would move to cities or closer together areas.


  • Well, think about what industries use gasoline (this would be all of them). Travel will become more expensive, transport of goods between places will also become more expensive, and this could have all sorts of repercussions for the community. This about where you would live if gas were much more expensive. The suburbs could shrink as more and more people choose to live near where they work, public transport might become more prevalent, things like that. Architecture might change; instead of building one story houses, people might choose to live in multi-unit dwellings to conserve land close to work. Think about issues like that, and you should be OK. You've got a couple of good examples in your question, think of a couple more, and you should be set.

  • It affects nearly everything. The price of groceries goes up because of higher cost of delivering the groceries to the grocery stores. UPS and FedEx prices go up because all their trucks have to pay more for gas. People who are thrifty may stop spending money on other things to offset their fuel expenses, and this may lead to decreased revenue for local businesses. Decreased revenue leads to less tax revenue for the government, which means either higher taxes or cutting the budget. Cuts in the budget lead to roads with potholes that will not be repaired, or construction halts, etc. It goes on and on.

  • It means that the price of gas is going up and we're gonna pay more...Duh. What else could it mean? A giant purple dragon is gonna come eat us all or something? Seriously it is kind of an obvious question...

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