do you think Obama is a good president?

every one was crazy about Obama in November(NOT ME) so what do u think of him now?


  • If your a Socialist you love Obama.

    If your a Communist you love Obama.

    If your a radical Islamic you love Obama

    If you live in a Ghetto you love Obama

    If you have nothing and want something for nothing, You love Obama.

    Pretty much fills his dance card.

  • I'm with you

    His health care reform is frightening. Lets say my grandpa has cancer, and sod oes a college student(23 years old) the college student would get the treatments over my grandpa, since he has more life to live.

    And have you ever researched Zekiel Emmanuel?? How he says a baby isn't a human till 3 years of age??

    Then what is the baby when it is 2? An alien?

    When his health care plan passes, many democrats are going to be kicked out in later voting

    All I can say to mr.Obama is Evil Genous

  • You are a Fool if you think Obama is a good President< No joke

  • Obama is making a mockery of what the United States stands for , our flag, and our men and women who are fighting for this country, and actually taking pleasure in doing so. I will be surprised if he makes it to full term, but PROMISE he won't be re-elected!

  • Excellent Job Performance! Got to tell the truth I am an independent thinker.Not a sheep.

  • Nope and I didn't vote for him either.He is sucking this country dry and somebody needs to something about it ..Sacry to think how many people hate that man.He's got the cia pretty darn busy lol... well he needs to go at any rate.He's screwing the US up the A@@ and he knows it.

  • OMG how many times in 24 hours does this question have to get asked on here? Seriously. It's beyond sad now.

  • Stephen Harper *brap brap*

    - Canadian Prime Minister.

  • thumbs up

  • Good for nothing.

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