Petroleum vs chemical engineer pros and cons?

I need an answer quickly and what is downstream job? Whats the different between up and downtream job? And which in all engineer has more salary?


  • They are almost the same in function and salary. Petroleum engineers work in petroleum refineries, making gasoline etc. Chemical engineers work in chemical plant.

  • Immediate difference: Petroleum engineering is way less difficult than chemical engineer. Job Prospects: Petroleum- Obama is increasing drilling and fracking regulations. Which means, the oil companies and their contractors will be laying off soon, unless Romney is elected. Chemical- Most of the jobs chemical engineers hold are in the hydrocarbon industry (manufacturing of plastics, petroleum derivatives, petroleum refining, etc) which could also take a hit from increasing government regulation. Salaries: Petroleum, Chemical, and Electrical - Are the top earners. Range: 52-58k (starting) - 68-74k(medium) - 80-105k (highest) Note: This is not unique. I always hear stories of many of my colleagues who started engineering and got higher salary offers. Since Texas does hold many engineers (proximity to Houston), I got the two of the top engineering schools in Texas. Texas Tech and University of Texas-Austin Mechanical and Civil Engineering- Are the 2nd top earners Range: 45k> (starting) - 61-68k (medium) - 90-100k(highest) Computer Science, Industrial, and Construction- Lowest of Earners Range: 45-48k (starting) - 57-62k (medium) - 65-90k (highest) I used the Texas Tech University chart. Why? UT-Austin has a reputation of inflating numbers. You may have heard the dilemma with the UT college of business and how letter grades are constantly inflated. As far as difficulty, this is how I rank them. The top being the most difficult. Chemical Engineering Tie: Mechanical, Electrical Civil, Petroleum, Aerospace, Construction (These have basic concepts of Mechanical engineering, but once those concepts are covered, they deviate and focus on specifics for that subject.) Computer, Industrial

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