No credit, no approval from any credit card companies.?

I'm trying to buy a laptop, I have a job but I would like to purchase my laptop with a credit card to make monthly payments but since I have no credit I can't get a credit card. Please help


  • Not having a card has nothing to do with getting a card it is a /s myth. Are you over 21, do you make over 18k same job over a year? No to any of these you are not getting a card. Computers are one of the top 10 dumb things to finance as they are wasting consumer products meaning they loose value.


    If you have a decent job a small local bank or CU is your best bet read all below some general all useful

    Read all

    You must be at least 21 for a CC (special exceptions like being fifthly rich to start with do apply) must have over 18K income for more the one year or a parent co signer which if they want to help far better to add you to their existing CC as the age of the account will help you more then a new card, they can control your spending do not have to give you card to help your credit, and they know the bill is paid or not so their credit is not screwed up if you screw up.

    This answer is not popular but I am one of the few with over 800 CS and this is how I and everyone like me started. Best cheapest way to establish credit is a secured bank loan pay off over 7 months and repeat until you can get an unsecured one. Getting a CC even so called secured CC to start your file is not only stupid because even if you get one the limit will be so low you will cause more harm then good using it is stupid because until you have practice paying debts CC offer to much freedom

  • Do you pay rent or have you in the past? If so you should check out this company called Rental Kharma. They let you submit past rent payments for free and it builds your credit history. I think that could really help towards you getting a lab top.

    The cool thing I like about the site is that it actually is free, there's no credit card needed or anything. Hope it helps!

  • Open an account at a local credit union and apply for a small personal loan, enough to buy the laptop.

    The interest rate will be cheaper, it will help you establish a credit rating and credit unions tend to work with their customers more then banks or credit card companies do.

  • go to one of the stores that has payment plans available so you can make a payment buy for example.

  • You will not qualify for a personal loan.

    Please save up for this laptop, then buy it for cash.

    Use what you have for the next couple of months.

    And please do not fall for the online loan scam.

    So easy to operate a baby could do it.

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