True or false?

Mary is not at enmity with the devil all on her own; in Genesis 3:15 this enmity is seen in light of her "seed", her Son, the Woman and her "seed" go together.


  • Back in Genesis, Mary wasn't in existence yet.

    We have to identify who God was talking to, and in Genesis 3:14, it showed us that God was speaking to the serpent, or Satan.

    Since the Bible is the word of God, we should let scripture interpret scripture, and Revelation 12:9 proves that the serpent was Satan.

    The Bible, at Revelation 12:17 identifies who the "woman" God spoke about in Eden was. It wasn't Mary, the mother of Jesus, and it wasn't Eve.

    In the prophetic promise of Genesis 3:15, the serpent, was Satan, a non-physical spirit creature. It would have to be more than a human and their offspring to defeat Satan. Therefore, the "woman" has to be God's Heavenly Organization, and her "seed" has to be Jesus. The reason for this is that while Jesus was bruised in the heel, temporarily dead while here on Earth, very soon, Jesus, acting as God's Anointed One, will bruise Satan in the Head, or crushing Satan forever.

  • Mary is not at enmity with anyone because Mary is dead and the first resurrection (of the dead) is some time future. Genesis 3:15 is all about the titanic struggle between God and the evil one, a struggle played out in the hearts and history of mankind. The offspring of the woman would eventually crush the serpent's head, a promise fulfilled in Christ's victory over Satan - a victory in which all believers will share. "The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet£ (Romans 16:20).

    Please read that verse from the Bible very carefully. It says GOD will crush Satan. Mary did her part in the outworking of God's divine plan to redeem sinful humanity. She was blessed and highly favoured - but that is all. Mary is in no position to intercede on behalf of anybody because only Christ Jesus can intercede for us.

    It is not Mary who is at enmity with Satan. The enmity is between Christ Jesus and all who belong to Him against that liar and the father of the lie. Please just read the Bible instead of parroting Roman Catholic dogma.

  • True.

    Satan appeared on the Earth by way of a virgin birth, lived a 30+ year life in a guise of perfection,

    and availed himself to the masses as the 'Son of God', and a 'savior' named Jesus.

    After Satan went through the pain of the crucifixion

    He was cleansed of His transgressions, and forgiven by God.

    It is Satan, in all of His restored 'Angelic Glory' who sits at the right hand of the Lord.

    The Bible is God's way of finding out who will believe in something other than *Him*.

    The intentionally placed mishap known as 'jesus' proved to God that 'christians' will believe a book

    and a batch of promises that a character in a story makes, before they choose to remember His Divine Word.

    It is 'christians' that will be contained within the walls of he|| ... and Satan will forever dwell in Heaven.

  • This was God speaking to the serpent (Satan) in the Garden.

    The Catholics mistranslated this verse for over 16 centuries. They have finally corrected it in the 20th century. They used "her" instead of "his". This refers to Jesus crushing the head of the serpent, NOT Mary.

  • Try and get real. Depends on races of parties being discussed.

  • For real?

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