architecture of control system?

what are advantages and disadvantages of control system?


  • ooooooooo control systems, my favorite subject to talk about.

    here are the advantages and disadvantages of control systems


    1...Increased accuracy.

    2...easier manipulation of the plant.

    3...Automation of the system, means that you don't have to control the system manually.

    4...system is able to reduce/eliminate any sort of disturbances that are included somewhere in the system.

    5...Makes the system economically efficient.

    6....Can be used in such areas where human can't go, such as in radioactive places.

    7....Increases the safety level of the system.

    8.... Last but the most important LUXURY. Control systems are the main reason why cars and many other things that we use in our daily life bring pleasure and luxury instead of hard work.


    1...increased cost as compared to that of simple open loop systems (no feedback).

    2...Increased complexity.

    3...Proper level of knowledge is required which takes hard work ( 1/3 of that required only to study open loop systems).

    4...To master control system design you need to learn for much longer time as compared to design of simple open loop systems.

    5... Complex maintenance.

    there are many more but i think it's enough for you.


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