Grixis control mtg setup?

Lands:4 Dragonskull Summit

4 Drowned Catacomb

4 Sulfur Falls

5 Island

7 Swamp

2 Mountain

Creatures:2 Stormtide Leviathan

4 Invisible Stalker

2 Firewing Phoenix

2 Grave Titan

3 Diregraf Ghoul

Spells:3 Bonfire of the Damned

4 Devil's Play

2 Searing Spear

2 Murder

2 Doom Blade

4 Rewind

2 Mana Leak

2 Index

What do you think of this? any changes, I mostly just play small tournaments and standard legal fnm this is also my second deck I've ever made so if it's bad I understand


  • Let me start with just Firewing Phoenix: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no (<-That's 11 if you're concerned about double-negatives).

    I get that you want to be able to recover from a board wipe but that effect costs 1RRR. That's a lot of R's for a two-color deck, let alone triple. Also, you're control! Board wipes are your friend.

    As for the rest, Stormtide Leviathan needs to either be built around or cut and it's much easier to cut him given there's only one other creature that works with him and that creature doesn't belong there anyways.

    Diregraf Ghoul is an aggro card that doesn't belong here either. It's best to run very few creatures in control (8-12) so you can utilize Ratchet Bomb, Black Sun's Zenith and even Barter in Blood to their fullest potential. Unsummon, Vapor Snag, Mental Misstep, Tragic Slip, Pillar of Flame, Gut Shot and Shock are all fine replacements for him.

    I'm not a fan of Index as it fails to replace itself and if you're not running Delver of Secrets, it's purpose is lost. Thought Scour is a viable replacement if you want to keep the low mana or Forbidden Alchemy if you want the selective digging, both of which have the added benefit of being instant-speed so you can keep your counterspells open until the opponent's end step.

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