Interior Design... Develop Portfolio??

I've recently decided to change my major to interior design and the college im planning on attending requires a portfolio review..

How do i go about developing a portfolio? i feel so stupid for having to ask something like this, but o well..

I plan on calling and getting more information..

is the portfolio going to be based off work i do in the college art classes?

i'm starting to get really nervous about this bc i feel so inexperienced but other ppl are in the same place right? we're not already expected to know EVERYTHING..


  • Your last paragraph is right on. The reviewers of the portfolio are looking to see what kind of person you are as an artist. Put in past and current work that you think best represents the creative person you are or want to be and you'll do just fine. No one is expecting you to have interior design work in your portfolio, especially if you are an undergraduate.

    Don't worry. Everyone else is in the same boat, and the reviewers will appreciate seeing work from non-interior design classes. Think about the experience you want the portfolio readers to have when they are reviewing your work. Make sure the layout is clean and clear. Think about page size, etc. Plan ahead...figure out where you're going to print it, what kind of paper is best, and so on.

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