Is 500 calories a day ok?

So. I had a glass of soymilk, a banana, and toast with peanut butter for breakfast/lunch. which is 290 cals

and Im gonna have a salad of something for dinner

Is this ok? healthy?


  • You will be soon be sick, if you continue to eat like that. No vitamins, no iron, no calcium, np protein.

    People in Haiti eat better than that..

    Jim B.


  • Calories Are Good As Long As You Burn, The Calories Off. You Have To Exercise The Most Important Thing Is: 1. Eat Well 2. Exercise

  • Not Unless You Wanna Die.

    You Need Anywhere From 1,000 To 1,400 Calories A Day.

    It Depends On Your Height And Weight.

    Google A Calculator.

  • You need to eat AT LEAST 800 calories a day.

    You're body needs at least 700 to survive.

    During the holocaust, hitler provided 700 calories worth of food to the "prisoners". That was enough to keep them alive and somewhat function.

  • You need to eat more. Somwhere around 1000 calories.

  • No! That is not healthy. You are starving your body. You should be eating anywhere from1300 to 2200, spending on how much you exercise.

  • Um... NO

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