For programmer: Database fundamentals or computer architecture?

I wanna become a programmer and i know i gotta learn languages but i dont know anything about computers so which should i learn first? (the database fundamentals course is about SQL) Please give me an easy explanation remember im a total amateur :(


  • All things being equal, I'd definitely go with database fundamentals. Unless you're planning to go into computer engineering, hardware design or networking, computer architecture might provide some insights to your work but hardly on a day-to-day basis. OTOH, there are few (if any) sophisticated applications being developed that don't deal with databases in some way. That IS a skill you are likely to require frequently in your job.

    Now, if you plan to take both sooner or later and you have almost no idea how computers work yet, might go with architecture first, especially if you are going to learn low-level programming languages like Assembler.

  • Option two ... Option one million is entire rubbish such a lot in order that I might fear approximately that university chiefly if they might supply the equal measure to each choices. Option one million appears like a BA measure direction at the same time Option two appears extra like a BS measure BS measure is regularly higher than BA.

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