my baby has a mircro penis??

I just had my 18 weeks ultrasound. I was told that we are having a baby boy, but his penis is really really small (the doctor used the term micropenis when talking to another doctor). Also, I was told that there is a little bit too much fluid inside. Although it is within the normal amount, but on the high end. I was told to go back to have another scan because of the possible related syndrome of some sort. I am really worried.


  • My friend has a baby with down syndrome. It is common for these baby's to have tiny penis'. You should take the triple screen and possibly an amnio to rule it out. Good luck with your baby.

  • I am a sonographer. Micro penis (ambiguous genitalia) are very difficult to diagnose and nearly impossible to be absolutely sure about. In the absence of any other anomalies, it is unlikely (but not impossible) there is micro penis. You should be referred to an ultrasound department which specializes in high risk pregnancies. Perhaps you are already being seen in such a location. If so, you will have a detailed, Level II ultrasound examination to look for obscure anomalies. You could also consider an amniocentesis so that the chromosomes of your baby can be investigated.

    If the amniotic fluid level is normal----it is normal. Most guidelines say that between 8 and 25 cm of amniotic fluid is normal. That is a pretty big window and it is not unusual to see the fluid level at either the high or low end of that normal.

    Try to remain calm. It is quite possible the penis was simply retracted and difficult to see. It is also possible there was not a penis at all but rather engorged labia and clitoris of a female which was mistaken for a penis. I've seen this happen often.

    Good luck. Most likely everything will be okay. But if not, you will find a way to get through this. <<<<hug>>>>

  • this is what i found out it.. hope it helped good luck

    Micropenis is a penis that is more than 2.5 standard deviations below the average size for age. In a newborn, a stretched penile length less than ¾ inch (1.9 cm) is micropenis.

    Micropenis is a hormonal problem that takes place sometime after 14 weeks gestation when the penis has already formed. Hormone levels need to be checked. A boy's chromosomes should also be checked to see if there is an underlying genetic syndrome. An MRI may be needed to look at the hormone secreting glands. If the penis grows when a 3 month-trial of testosterone is given, the outlook is good for normal adult penis size and function.

  • They should have talked to you more.

    When they fail to, you ask!

    It's just ONE possibility from a sea of strangers out here in

    Y!A land, and I'm no doctor, but i DO know that a surprising amount of babies are born with their genitalia a bit 'mixed'.

    Often the situation corrects itself after a few months of life.

    Other times it does, but not in the way you'd expect or perhaps want.

    (((sometimes they think it's a boy, but it's female, just with an unusually developed clitoris))'(a bit extra of the wrong hormone can do that)

    other times it COULD just be he won't have much for size

    still other times he may turn out cross-gendered, in which case he'll need love and understanding and support right from the start

    You don't KNOW what this meant that you overheard.

    I SHOULDN'T be putting possibilities into your head...

    but look,a small penis like that shows that there was an insufficiency of male hormone, and so even though TECHNICALLY you may get a boy, if he tends to want to play with the girls toys, because he's just feminine-natured, you'll need to back him, not fight against it. Because well that might just be what he or she IS.And he'll need love, and to be him (or her) self As healthy and happy as can.

    it's a torturous thing to be one sex and beleive you are supposed to be another

    especially when they could just undergo hormone therapy and a few operations and live happily as what they feel they are. but instead society makes him live as what he isnt at all.

    so he's in constant misery.

    If the doctor does tell you something like this, look into the subject of transgenderism - you'll find some compelling statistics (compelling towards being compassionate, even if it's not what you'd want and you naturally want to nosedive into denial)...there are a lot of kids under the age of 10 that kill themselves because they're convinced they are "a mistake" (because they tell parents they're a girl, and parents take the girl toy know. It makes Dad feel bad, figures it's just a phase..

    I don't beleive your child is a mistake.

    no matter how he or she turns out.

    Honestly, PAY NO ATTENTION to what I've told you! This is too big of stuff to just ask us. ASK THE DOCTOR. Do it right away, you must feel SO concerned every minute. You sincerely have my sympathy on that. I hope everything turns out good for you

    and i send you some love

    "micropenis" (from wikipedia):

  • Well, we can certainly wish you both the best; but the doctors will have a better idea of what's going on - and what, if anything, to do about it - than anyone here. (Frankly I'm not sure that condition can be diagnosed with certainty that early; but I'm far from an expert on the matter.) Further scans and possibly a second opinion are in order. Good luck.

  • its ok, my son has a small penis also. at first my doc couldnt tell if it was a penis and i also had alot of fluid with him. my doc was concerned about. i guess it is something to worry about because he could mean a retardation or something like that, but even with alot of fluid my son was born very healthy. just try not to stress about because that could put ur baby in distress. try to relax and just wait to see what the doctor says

  • The worst thing to do is worry. Unless the doctor tells you that there is a problem, it is unlikely that there is one. It is too early to tell whether your baby's current 'micro-penis' will still be one when you come to term.

  • Have you ever heard of male enhancement? its on TV always. It will make your intercourse lifestyles larger i no longer one to speak although mine is 7 inches or might be extra WITHOUT erections

  • you need to be asking the doc should have had it explained to you what could be wrong if anything

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