Parade rest, arms numb?

Hey, I've been wondering, does anyone else's arms go numb when they stand at parade rest for extended periods of time? If so, what can I do to help stop this from happening?


  • I wouldn't go at a full parade rest, where your hands are interlocked by the thumbs. As no one but the people behind you can see, you can adjust your arms to where you can them around without actually being noticed, but only if you do not go to full parade rest when the order is given.

  • Nothing will truly prevent your arms from going numb, just not as numb. I would rather stand at attention for 5 hours than parade rest for 1 hour

  • Arming the pilots is a good point. However, living in DC, I think they do a great job at airport security at Reagan National, and if it will keep my family safe, I will put up with some small inconveniences, and that is all they are. Last, your post is way too long, and I bet most people didn't read a third of it, which is kind of too bad since your points were interesting. I think you should make it a bit more concise and send it to a newspaper like the Washington Post as a letter to the editor.

  • My feet go numb when standing at attention or parade rest.

    I just move them so no one can see me moving them, just like I move my knees back and forth so I don;t lock my knees and faint.

  • Try to hook your pinkie finger in your belt (yes push your ACU shirt into your belt a little bit and hook your finger in) and remember to flex your knees (do not lock your knees) when standing for a long time unless you want to fall out.

  • If your arms are going to sleep you are doing it wrong.

  • Make sure your sleeves are not too tight around your shoulders and elbows.

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