Can I as a republican vote for Obama?

Do Republicans ever vote for the other party? And vice versa?

Personally, I think Mitt Romney is an total joke, and I also fear for our country if he were to get elected.

What are your thoughts on the matter?


  • I am not an American but I always vote for the party I like the most, no matter if they are right or left wing.

    If you really hate Mitt Romney and you think your country will go to **** you should vote for somebody else. If the only other choice is Obama, you should do that.

    You don't have to be loyal to your politicians, they aren't loyal to you either. Go with who you most agree with.

  • In a general election a person can vote for who ever they want to include in most cases write in votes.

    As a Conservative I have made the mistake of voting democrat one time in a presidential election, it will never happen again with the democrat party an extension of the ACP.

    Now my thoughts on obama, as you say, I think obama is a total joke, not because he is a democrat, not because he is half Black, but because of his constant blaming, his lack of effective leadership and the fact that the economy after nearly four years of his "leadership" is still in the dumps, the US is in more debt than ever before, there are more people on welfare than ever before (estimated one in six Americans are now receiving government assistance) A GDP below 2% and again like you I fear not only for the people but the nation if obama is given a second chance to continue to screw things up.

  • Of course! Primaries are the only elections that cannot be voted in by certain parties, if I'm not mistaken. My bf is Green Party, and was not able to vote in the primaries, but can vote for whomever he'd like in the actual election.

  • You can vote for whoever you want in the upcoming general election.

    Ask yourself if your only rational for not voting for Romney is that he is a "total joke". If so, ask yourself why. What makes him a "joke"? List those things and post them. You might find you are just dwelling on the emotional surface of issues (what Democrats want you to do) instead of thinking about them (what Democrats don't want you to do).

    Here's something a little more substantial. Typical recoveries from recessions, even ones fundamentally worse off than this one, start as soon as the recession is over. We are now in month 37 of "recovery", the actual recession ending in July 2009. This, two years after the declaration of “Recovery Summer” by the Administration. This is because of the business-hostile environment the Obama Administration has created. The constant threats of tax hikes (2/3 of small business and their owners are effected by the high-end Bush tax cut extensions), the machine gun of regulatory red-tape spewing out from Washington, a pathological hatred of oil, coal or anything that does not fit the utopian ideal of "green" energy, blowing past and even accelerating past the "bridge out" sign in respect to the debt 5 trillion dollars ago and treating corporations as if they are some fire-breathing dragon that must be slain, all contribute to keeping the recovery from happening, business expansion from happening thus, creating jobs. Any job creation that has been going on has little to do with Obama policy and everything to do with the doggedness of business to survive and claw it's way back to profitability, regardless of what roadblocks are put in it's way.

    Unlike Obama, Romney brings actual business experience and economic understanding to the office. He also comes in with chief executive managerial experience from business and political office. This is an asset in running a huge bureaucracy. Unlike Obama, he will actually put a budget in place for running the country. We haven't been running under a budget since Obama took office! Budgets are what fiscally responsible people work in. They Ryan budget, which he endorses, has the courage to deal with the 800 pound gorilla in the room namely, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. These are ALL going bankrupt, increasing in cost, are bureaucratic, riddled with fraud and waste and full of red tape. He will reform them, making them cost efficient and cutting out a big part that drives our deficits and debt.

    A more dangerous long-term consequence of Obama remaining in power is his view of the relation between government, society and the economy. He has the European view of a Statist/Socialistic Democratic view where government in involved in all aspects of society and the economy every place it sees some perceived “inequity” that must be smoothed out. This is leading to government thinking it should be the well-intended solution to every problem. It leads to cradle-to-grave services that are a one-size-fits-all bureaucracy, becoming more and more limiting and stifling free-market solutions until there’s only the government to turn too. Name one service the government does well that the free market can’t do better. One might initially like being taken care of but, like the child that is taken care of, life is dominated by a well-intentioned government (parents) always there, telling them what to do and when to do it. There is neither liberty nor room for growth. This also requires huge government addicted to spending. Countries, like the US, that are on this path are also on the path to bankruptcy and financial ruin.

    Business confidence, which is rock bottom, will start rebounding the moment Romney is elected. He will end the business-hostile environment and allow for the boom in the oil market that is straining to happen. He will push for simplifying the tax code and stop the knee-jerk regulatory red tape, all helping small business. He will cut the corporate tax (currently, the highest in the world). This will end much of the outsourcing and be a boost to business. Too many Liberals have this idea that if you are not punishing big business (for some reason), then you are pandering to them. I could fill up a whole post on how Conservative tax policy has worked whenever tried. There's not enough room here.

    You should be fearing for the country if Romney DOESN'T get elected.

  • You may vote for anyone you want to. I am an Independent and I am voting for Romney. Any Democrat can vote for a Republican and any Republican can vote for a Democrat, but for the life of me it is hard to see how any true Republican can vote for Obama because he hates Republicans and his agenda is the opposite of Republican stands on the major issues.

  • You can vote for whomever you want to. Even Mickey Mouse.

    Take the Presidential Election Quiz and see which candidate you side with.

  • Of course you can, but might want to reconsider your political party since his views are polar opposites of conservatives. You should definitely consider how much better off this country is since he took office, I mean with the excessive jobs, and booming economy, how could you NOT vote for him.

  • That's fine. Romney can afford to lose one, since millions of Democrats will be voting for him. I can't for the life of me, figure out why anyone would vote for Obama's re-election except maybe they haven't been on their meds so their brains aren't functioning at full capacity.

  • Yes you can vote for any moron you want. But as a side note, lay off the kool-aid. You clearly are getting brain damage. Romney isn't the one to be feared.

  • My parents have been Democrats all their lives,They are both in their upper 70's this year they are voting for Romney and Ryan.

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