My kitten is now paranoid, HELP?

Ok so she's 3 months old, her name is Moni, she was running around the house then she bumped into the door and her foot got 2 small scratches and they were bleeding , we went to the vet to check it and he said everything was fine, she took some antibiotic so it won't get infected, but ever since then, she's running INSANELY around the house and whenever someone tries to touch her she tries to bite them, I assume it's playing but I'm feeling she's way out of control, help


  • hi - in step with how long they have been feral, they're going to take an prolonged time to get used to you. I captured some kittens in a have a heart catch from a stray that lives close to us and a buddy of mine accompanied them. It took very nearly a year or extra for them to settle for that he does not harm them. the male remains skiddish yet will sleep on his mattress. solid success

  • It's just the antibiotics. They may have a chemical in them that makes your kitten feel uncomfortable when applied. I wouldn't worry about it unless your kitten starts vomiting, gagging, wheezing... you get the picture.

  • give her time, she needs the antibiotics to kick in too and ensure her wound stops hurting. Give her time & space, she knows where you are if she needs you, it's very difficult to comfort a cat, they will want comfort only when they are of luck! xx

  • my 10 week old kitten does that all the time, im pretty sure its just playing, they'll grow out of it

  • what faith said

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