How do you make a homemade burger taste like a restaurant burger?

whenever i make burgers at home they dont taste too great...for some reason restaurant burgers take great...what is the difference? i mean ive been to places where i watch them make it and they literally do NOTHING to the meat and it still tastes good when they make it...? is it just the quality of meat that you cant get at the grocery store or something? ive tried adding tons of different things and different kinds of fat %'s and what luck. maybe if i get better quality meat from like whole foods or something instead of safeway? any suggestions?


and i dont mean putting all sort of random things into the meat, i just mean a regular, meat only patty...


  • Good meat! Lean or ground sirloin is all I use. Make sure your ground beef has never been frozen more that once (never frozen at all is better) Add NOTHING to your beef, NOTHING! Almost anything which you put into the mix will wreck the consistency or break up the burger or it will cook funny, it will burn or boil instead of searing properly. Depend on your sauces and topping AFTER cooking for all that extra flavor.

    Use wax paper to help form the burgers into perfectly round and flat even patties, lightly salt and pepper and maybe sprinkle a touch of garlic powder when the patties are ready. You can refrigerate these ready patties in the freezer for later and they will actually cook even better when frozen!

    I use two old fashioned cast iron frying pans to cook the burgers properly (seared on the outside, well-cooked but still juicy on the inside.)

    Warning! Many burger joints and restaurants use too much fat, lard, bacon fat, old fat and other really unhealthy ways to "improve" flavor. That is too high a price to pay! Try the above and oil very lightly with a little olive oil. (spray on oils are also terrible, they are usually VERY bad for you....)

  • Restaurant Style Burgers

  • You can't duplicate the flavor of a flat top grill so if that's the deal, so sad, too bad. But if you want to put your burgers under your broiler, that may help. Go easy on the seasoning, just use some salt, pepper, and garlic powder (not too much garlic powder), rub the top of your broiler pan with oil or spray with Pam, form your patties thinly enough so they will cook to the doneness you like before they burn to a crisp, or if you can move your pan down far enough from the heat source to avoid this problem, you can make them a little thicker, then make sure to preheat the broiler so as to sere the meat flavor in when you put the pan in. Next, only turn the meat once and don't fiddle with it. That's how you lose the juiciness of your burgers, at least it's one way. Buy good meat too, ask the butcher what he/she thinks would be best for broiler method cooking. They know all about meat, just ask them. Looks like you got really good advice, maybe use a little of everyone's opinion and you'll come up a winner. Good luck.

  • For the best answers, search on this site

    That's a matter of personal taste. I prefer Burger King.

  • Gretchen's Killer Cheeseburgers


    For burgers:

    1 pound of lean ground beef

    1/4 cup finely chopped red onion (if the onion is chopped too coarsely, the burgers will fall apart)

    2 cloves of garlic (finely minced)

    1 TBSP chopped fresh parsley

    2 TBSP soy sauce

    2 TBSP BBQ sauce OR ketchup (keeps them moist!)


    Cheese (whatever kind you like...I like either cheddar or blue cheese)







    Mix all burger ingredients in a big bowl, and form into patties. Slap 'em on the grill and cook to desired doneness while basting with more BBQ sauce. When they have 1 minute left to cook, top each patty with cheese to melt, and put buns on grill to toast (be's easy to burn the buns!). Serve and enjoy!

  • Burger King. The Whopper

  • As a kid I worked at a restaurant that was known for their hamburgers. Their secret? Tons of salt & pepper. I couldn't believe how they loaded them up, but they tasted great. Also, most restaurants don't use lean hamburger. The higher fat content tastes better and is cheaper for them.

  • add all the same ingredients just make sure you cook them in extra fat!


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