do geologists explore caves?

i was looking into becoming a geologists and i was curious if anyone knew if they explore caves or not just thinking out loud thanks guys


  • Yes they can, and do. However it would be a very, very limited field of work/research for a Geologist. It would most likely be part of a branch of Geology called hydrology. Check out the course offering at Western Kentucky University (check both geography and Geology).

  • The correct term for someone who explores caves is a speleologist. Geologists can be speleologists but so can people from all walks of life.

  • No such occupation exists. the closest you should come is Geologist. you may would desire to flow right into a cave sometime as area of your activity, in spite of the indisputable fact that it could be very uncommon, if in any respect. .

  • Sure they can and do explore caves.

    They are best qualified to document what is found, how the cave formed, etc.

  • It's called spelunking.

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