Necessary HORSE accessories?

Can someone give me a list of necessary horse accessories that I will need? I have most everything I need but want to make sure when my new guy arrives I have everything I need for both grooming and emergency care.

Thank you!


  • Here is a helpful list:

    I would speak to your vet about the best first aid supplies. It is a great way to open a relationship with him/her.

  • The other posts look very good, but I think it'd be good to have an enema around. We have had to use one of these twice, and it's nice the have one around in case of emergency. Also, you NEED buckets and clips to hold them up, halter, lead rope, soft brushes for dirt and hair, a hair brush for manes, and probably a curry comb, if he is shedding. You might want a measuring tape for measuring the height and weight of your new horse. Make sure you get a pedigree if the horse has one, and medical history would be helpful. Talking to your vet would be good too.

    Congratulations on your new horse!

  • Vet number, Equine Dentist number and Farrier number on hand and programed in your phone. Fresh clean place for him, fresh water, and some quite time for him to adjust:) Congrats and enjoy.

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