how do you fix these sentences?

1- A line of cars waited at the toll booth, Alex impatiently craned his neck to see what was holding up traffic. A dog had jumped out of a car window, the owner was patiently trying to coax it back into the car.

2- The teacher was discouraged, his students were not completing their assignments on time. Shortly thereafter, a solution came to him, he would just stop giving out assignments.

I fixed the first one like this

1- A line of cars waited at the toll booth, so Alex impatiently craned his neck to see what was holding up traffic. A dog had jumped out of a car window, and the owner was patiently trying to coax it back into the car.

I can only use coordinating conjunctions or subordinating conjunctions.



  • 1. A line of car waited at the toll booth; Alex impatiently craned his neck to see what was holding up traffice. A dog had jumped out of a car window and the owner was patiently trying to coax it back into the car.

    2. The teacher was discouraged because his students were not completing their assignments on time; his solution was that he would stop giving out assignments.

  • So you take ENG101 at GCC? Interesting...

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