Why is Congress broken?!?

I'm doing a five page essay and I need 3 good reasons why congress is broken. good enough to build off of. thanks


  • Because the Democrats leadership and many other Democrat Congressmen are under the thumb of the Progressive in the Democrat Party. The Progressives are the true hard core Marxists and Communists that want this country destroyed and turned into a Communist nation. This is what Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Frank and many other Democrats are attempting to do to this country.

  • 1. The public has stopped holding their elected representatives accountable for their actions and keep re-electing even those who have had ethics violations or acted contrary to the wishes of their constituents.

    2. Knowledge that there are no term limits has created career politicians whose real objective is to gain power, wealth and influence, sometimes to the detriment of their constituents.

    3. It is so incredibly expensive to run for office that only the rich can afford to run. Those people are naturally disconnected from the "average" American already, and being in power makes them even more disconnected.

  • Your teacher needs to adjust his/her way of teaching.

    If you were in my school district, I'd be on the phone to the board of education tomorrow.

  • 1. Excess of Partisanship. I blame Republicans, who move in lockstep and are full of hate.

    2. They're bought by Big Money Interests

    3. That's all.

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