Algebra radical problem Need Help?

Assume that the expression under the radical represents a non-negative real number. The expression is (x squared + 20x + 100) under the radical. If you could just simply explain the steps for solving this problem, I will be forever grateful to you. Thanks in advance.


  • Once again, we are asked for a solution to a non-existent equation. There is nothing to solve here. We have a lone expression with which nothing can be done unless it is completed by an " = something".

    If it is simply

    √(x²+ 20x + 100) = 0

    then just square it, and you get a straightforward quadratic equation

    (x²+ 20x + 100) = 0

    which, however, does not have any solution in real numbers; you can do nothing more with it.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    ON second thoughts, perhaps by "solve" you mean "simplify" ?

    (x²+ 20x + 100) = (x +10)²

    So √(x²+ 20x + 100) = (x + 10)

    I think that this is so simple that you really shouldn't need help with it.

    You look at the constant, which is 100. You look at the √ sign, and should immediately see that if the expression factorises then the constant term MUST be 10. So the only possible simplification is (x + 10)², which you quickly check by multiplying it out.

  • First seem for any factors that are ideal squares: that is not sparkling, yet i'm assuming the x's are decrease than the sq. root sign a million. ?144x + ?36x - ?25x a hundred and forty four = 12² 36 = 6² 25 = 5² So each and all the numbers decrease than the unconventional are ideal squares. for the reason which you already understand that the sq. root of a quantity squared is in basic terms the quantity: ?144x + ?36x - ?25x = ?12²x + ?6²x - ?5²x = 12?x + 6?x - 5?x = 17?x 2. ?27x^3 * ?3x 27 = 9*3 = 3²*3 ?27x^3 * ?3x = ?(3² * 3)x³ + ?3x = 3?3x³ * ?3x = 3(?3)(?3)?(x³)(x) = 3*3*?x^4 = 9x² 3. ?18x³/?3xy 18/3 = 6 ?18x³/?3xy = ?(18/3)*x³/xy = ?6x²/y = x?(6/y)

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