is my sister a narcissist?

Had a bad argument on Xmas( yah nice eh'). And well after that it got me thinking, I saw something on this fb page and it all sounded so familiar the page was called the war at home, and had posts about narcism. The things my sister does that make me this k this way are

1)she always needs attention from others

2) she acts as if she's never in the wrong

3)she's dropped friends after meeting g someone she thought she liked better

4) horrible at relationship such as she gets bored then breaks up a d or cheats-also can never stay single for more than a month

5) when arguing she turns everything against you, not admiting she did any wrong

6) acts like shes better than you

7)constatly calling me out, about negative traits

8)acts like she is suppiour

9)talks about people behind there back negativly

What I don't understand here, is most of my family compare me to her, and I would rather just be me. I lived with her for a couple yrs and learned she isn't whim she seems to other ppl. I admit I have my flaws, so why can't she. And why does my family pick her side over mine ALL THE TIME!!!

I was tired of living with her, I could never make her happy no matter what. It sems like she always found something to nag on me about, I tried so hard to make her happy, I was making myself miserable, and eventually I was resenting her. I didn't want these feelings, but she was always bringing me down. I tried telling her but then she just change subject and said negative stuff I did.


  • Sounds like shes a self centered nascissist. But it might not completely be her fault, your family obviously seems to favor her so maybe she was brought up believing she can do no wrong? It's hard to change people like that, but those people (who constantly want attention) feed off of reactions. Just stop caring and maybe she'll screw off. :)

  • sounds like it

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