A Special Gift?

I've been having this gift for a long time now...Well, I'll dare myself to think of something random, and it'll happen.

For instance (this is real), I thought

"The name.....what's the name?Micheal. Call....no, don't.." (My thoughts are really jumbled)

About a week later, this girl and a boy named Micheal were talking at my school.

He said something like "here's my number, call me" and the girl rejected it, saying "Ew no I don't want to call you".

I don't know what I should do....just keep this to myself?


  • Yes, your thoughts certainly are jumbled. You'll want to keep this special gift to yourself, though. Let's dissect your example just a little...

    The odds that there will be a kid named Michael at your school are about one in definitely. In fact there are probably quite a few of them, because it's not a very rare first name. And the odds that he'll want to give his number to at least one girl are about one in guaranteed.

    See where I'm going with this? If you have a premonition that you'll wake up and go to school on a regular weekday, it's really not much of a premonition.

    If this was September 4th 2001 and you had a dream about several planes crashing into buildings, you would maybe possibly be on to something. Even then there would still be room for the coincidence factor, because coincidences do happen, which is why I said maybe possibly. But having a premonition about an every day random event doesn't really count as a psychic ability.

  • Super powers (floating, flying, speaking other languages, seeing future, objects moving) are a sign of demon possession.

    Talk to your local Orthodox Christian priest asap.

    Pray the Jesus prayer. orthodoxprayer.org

    Forgive me.

  • If you could think about me winning the lottery on Wednesday it would be much appreciated.

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