How to apply mascara primer?

I always thought you were supposed to apply a few swipes, and comb through with a spooly, and let it dry COMPLETELY before applying mascara. But recently I have been researching the Tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes mascara and MultiplEYE primer.. And everyone that uses it applies the primer and then almost immediately applies the mascara? What to do?


  • Do not let the primer dry. As soon as you are finished apply the primer then put your regular mascara over it.

    Also when applying primer try and wiggle your lashes with the brush as you are combing throng your lash.

  • Uh...i have this problem with primer. After I use it and apply my regular mascara, there still remain little white parts on my lashes from the primer. And even if I apply mascara again on them, during the day people keep telling me "oh hey you've got something white on your lashes"


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