1997 Dodge Caravan Tune Up PROBLEM!?
2 days ago I changed the spark plugs and cables on my Caravan after finishing it I turned it on it started like a charm but when I put it on reverse or drive it was shaking a lot. I drive it like to blocks I was able to hear a pop going on sounds like a misfire.
I took the Van to a local mechanic he checked it and I don't know what he did but the van was shaking but yet the pop(misfiring) was still happening, this morning I drove it to the store it seem to be running fine until I hit 40mph than the misfire came back and it went back to shaking again.
I took the spark plugs and cables off and redid the job and still having the same problem. NOTE: I did gap all spark plugs to .050
can the problem be that I happen to be buy the cheapest cables and plugs?
You really dont need to buy spark plug cables but that shouldnt matter. Anyway make sure all your spark plugs are tight and getting a good seal. Also make sure you put the cables in the right order. They may be mixed up and the firing order might be wrong.