how do you contact a dog breeder?

i want that husky. But how do i contact her/him? Do i just call the breeder and say i want the dog?

are those dogs even free?


  • The dogs are not free, it doesn't say any where that they are. it says rehome fee, not free. and if you still want them, you just call and say that your interested in purchasing a puppy. you and them will discuss when you will be going and choosing your puppy, and how much the puppy will costs.

    and make sure you dont get conned, those puppies dont look like purebred huskies AT ALL. They shouldnt charge you anymore than 80 dollars.

  • That site lists two ways to and phone. Do either one. Seldom are dogs on Craigs list free or it would say so. I don't trust that list at all, so if you get involved with getting one of these pups make sure you get a written contract as to health.

    Petfinder seems to be a much more reliable site, however if you want a purebred dog, go to and click on the word Puppies above the picture, or go to and type in siberian husky national breed club. That is the best way to locate a legitimate breeder.

  • There a phone/text number there - call it! However, be very careful!! Breeders who have to advertise their puppies on this sort of website are, generally speaking, BYBs. Good breeders have a waiting list. This puppy may be okay, but it may not and I'd suggest that if you want a well-bred healthy puppy, you contact the Breed Club and ask for the names of known good breeders.

    Normally speaking you'd call the number and say you've seen their advertisement, and are interested in maybe having one of their puppies, if they still have any available, and when can you come and see them. You MUST go to their home, see mum and any other adults (to get some idea of the temperament of their stock) and the conditions they are being kept in.

  • i doubt that they are free but you just need to call the breeder and say your interested in the puppies then set up a time that you can meet them and possibly the parents of the pups (at least the mother) as you want to make sure they are not coming from a puppy farm. If they wont prove that the pups dont come from a puppy farm dont buy the dog

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