The pay at Nandos Australia?

Working at nandos, how much do you get paid an hour, in Australia.

Also how hard is it to get the job?


  • i have a job at nandos in south east qld, it was easy for me to get the job. if ur a fast learner and are eager to work and strive, its good. i get $10.72hr but im only 16. the 24yo cook gets like $19. but it depends on ur position too. im like a customer service employee. my pay is good for my age and its a pretty good workplace. they usually pay way above award rates, but depending on ur store, they might pay a flat rate or get higher on publichols and stuff. mine is falt :) hope this helps

  • Nandos Jobs Melbourne

  • If 16 , 26, or 66 , you pay the same to eat. They do not pay you to eat!

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