How to do Penis vodka shots?

I saw some guys on youtube putting vodka in there bums through a funnel. I was curious to know if its safe to put try this in my penis. What type of instrument should I use?

No Haterz plz. Serious...


  • Not hating, but seriously not a good idea.

  • If you put raw vodka into your penis or butt, you by-pass the liver and put the alcohol directly into your bloodstream. It will kill you. If you don't die, then you can easily damage the brain! Of course, to want to put booze into your bloodstream may be a sign of brain damage anyway.

    Don't do it!

  • Considering that it could kill you or cause brain damage, I wouldn't recommend it.

    Though considering you actually wanted to TRY this, you might just end up chlorinating the gene pool if you did.

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