Suicidal over bad grades?

In junior high i was a straight a student, now in high school I am struggling. I didn't do well freshman year, especially in Biology. I finished with a 3.8 (because of weights for honors courses). Sophomore year started better, but now I am falling behind. I suck at math and science, i have a 3.98 now. Yes, some might say this is good, but it isn't good enough for: my parents, my college hopes, my school (super competitive private school), or my career hopes, I really want to be a representative in congress or some other domestic official.

I feel really bad right now, I feel like if i don't do well i won't go to a excellent school and that i won't get my dream job, and what is the point of living if i am not successfully doing what i want to do and enjoy myself?I honestly can't see me enjoying a career outside of politics.

I am feeling really down and think maybe that the pressure is just too much. (i am not trying to take my life right now but just considering the possibility.)

What should I do? It seems like there is nothing much i can do as I have tried so hard but I just keep failing, and what should I do?


for those who say i must have something else i am good at or want to do, no. I only do speech and debate congress format (so goes with the whole politician thing) and I golf. I am nowhere near good enough to consider going pro in it, so politics is my only fulfilling plan, and that is all falling through.

I also sometimes just can't seem to get motivated in school which makes me think I am lazy so i do even worse and then feel worse, it all perpetuates this vicious cycle.


  • You're getting a lot of pressure from your parents, your school, and yourself.

    You're under a lot of stress.

    Honors classes are not necessary for college, perhaps for a few colleges. Some people run for office and get elected constantly with little to no college at all. You don't have to graduate from Harvard to get elected state representative or to Congress. It is true the educations credentials do impress some people. But these days college is becoming less and less a good investment.

    I know I am writing ideas here your parents would not appreciate. But I work at telling the truth as I know it here.

    And consider this: There can be a big difference from junior high school to high school. The courses generally get harder on the average. But honors courses are not "do or die." Good grades are necessary to get into the best colleges, though. But you don't have to have a record of unending honors classes to get in. A good number of politicians graduated from regular colleges and that means not the best and most prestigious.

    So, my advice is to check into transferring to some regular classes--out of the honors classes, if you can, especially the ones you are getting behind in. An A is an A, whether in honors class or a regular classes. Honors classes are tougher and prepare you better, if you do well in them. But it's not worth suicidal thinking for sure.

    When you get to college, you will be in classes along side a lot of other students--who did not have honors classes. There what will matter then and there is how you do on tests and papers and assignments. Not your high school background.

    So, my advice is to look into any changes that will take some of the pressure off, if at all possible. It's better for your high school experience to be pleasant and not miserable. It's better not to "burn out" too, which I expect you are experiencing too, along with the stress. And try to do something fun, if not once a day, at least once a week, read something enjoyable, watch a movie.

    Best wishes.

    Best wishes.

  • Hi, there. I'm sorry that you feel this way over your grades because they're really not that bad, and it really isn't the end of the world. People are getting way worse grades in way easier classes and they're fine. People might slack off in school, but they're still living fine lives right now.

    Junior High is a lot different from high school. Hell, I screwed around all day and never studied unless the test counted as a massive part of the grade, but I got straight A's. Junior high grades don't really matter compared to high school grades. About your freshman year, don't worry so much about it. What's done is done and you can't change the past, just make the future better.

    You may be falling behind right now but there are things that you can do to help. What subjects are you struggling most in? There's really no shame in getting extra help. Buy your own supplementary textbooks, or even talk to a teacher after school and ask questions. Maybe you can even hire a tutor. Also, ask your teachers what you can do to bring up poor grades. You have to take a stand, not just sit there and worry.

    It seems like all you're doing is complaining and fretting over the "bad" grades and not even trying to change it. Don't wallow in your pain. It may be hard, but you're not going to get anywhere in life if you don't work hard. Keep trying and even if you fail, you'll have tried. You can't succeed at everything.

    I know you really want to be a politician, but that's a hard job to aim for. You don't have to enjoy your job. I bet over half of workers don't like their job, but do it for the money. You need to get interested in other things rather than relying on something way too much. Maybe you have other talents that haven't been discovered.

    It's better to have good grades in easier classes than bad grades in hard classes. Maybe you should drop a few Honors courses, if necessary.

    I may have been blunt, but I really do hope I helped.

  • Is this what YOU truly want or are you living through another's expectations? I suggest you take some time to relax and reflect. Take a couple of slow deep breaths, relax, maybe go for a walk in the park until your head clears out. Then listen to your heart, what does it tell you? You may want to write things down, what is YOUR objective? Does this make you feel good? If not, why are you going in that direction? You have your whole life ahead of you, to learn, to experience and to make choices. I suggest that you make choices that allow you to feel good. If you want to continue in the direction you have stated, then go forth and do it. Do the best you can each day and don't worry about the past, you can't change it, all you can do is learn from it so you are able to make a better choice next time. So, when you are not perfect, simply acknowlege that and learn from it. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Have a wonderful life.

  • In school I used to have problems with history, because the way it was taught (you had to memorize dates, people and facts). I didn't pay attention to class and I detested it, until a teacher recommended a book that explained why one event led to another. I started liking it more and got much better at history because of that.

    Maybe you can try a different approach at the disciplines you're struggling with.

  • Thats nothing to stress about you can styll easily improve on the exam , and this just means its time to go H.A.M.

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