No period and 3 positive pregnancy tests...?

The last period I had started on June 8th and I can't remember when it stopped but I have yet to have one this month and they usually come around the same time the next month that they did the previous month the following month. I decided to take a pregnancy test last night and it was positive, I took another one this morning with my first morning pee and it also said positive. I have never been pregnant before and I am very nervous and I have no one to talk to about this (like a female that has been pregnant before) so all you moms and moms-to-be out there tell me about this! (:


  • Sounds like you might be pregnant then! Ok - make an appointment to see your Doctor and they will confirm it - do another test maybe. You can also talk to them about any concerns you have. Hope this is good news for you. If it wasn't planned - well being a Mother can be hard on your own but I don't know anyone that regrets it - and my single Mum friends always seem to catch the greatest men who want to marry them! Protective instinct and all that and being needed. Once you have a child there are wonderful things you can't imagine - yes it's hard work, but so fulfilling.

  • Well, all you need to know is that your last period started on June 8th, 2012. The OB/GYN will calculate your due date and how far you are from that single day.

    You also need to call an OB/GYN and they wil do a pap smear, breast check for lumps, family history, STD test, blood lab, etc. The first appointment is around 8 to 12 weeks pregnant.

  • Awh well first off congrats! So now, you need to call your doctor and set up your first appointment which won't be until your about 7/12 weeks and start taking prenatal vitamins and it wouldn't hurt to join a website specifically for expecting moms

  • Congrats you are preggo,,,,you need to calk and make a doctors appointment,,,,they will go by the first day of your last period

  • go onto this website its calculates your due date and when you ovulate its an amazing site!!!

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