How much is a Dominos pizza?

How much is a




pizza from dominos?


Plus tax


  • It depends on where you live and whether it is a specialty pizza or not. Whether it is 1 topping or multiple toppings. There American Legends pizzas and other specialty pizzas are more than saying you just got the medium 2-topping pizza that is part of their $5.99 deal.

  • Well, this is kinda hard to answer because of course the cost will depend on how many toppings you get. Then sometimes there are specials so the cost will be different that way too. I looked on the Domino's website and the say pricing available when ordering. I would have tried to do a fake order for you to see what the price is but they asked for my address and everything so I didn't want to do that. Just call them and ask yourself okay?

  • It depends on where you live buy if you go to the site below and enter your location you will find your answer.

  • A large I think costs $12.99

  • It depends where you live. If you go to their website it'll tell you.

  • Alex, where do you live? It basically depends on where you live.

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