Why am I paranoid? Help please?

Seems like I'm a bit paranoid. I just feel on edge lately. Like when I close my eyes in the shower or I go to sleep I feel like someone is watching me. I'm 13. What's the deal? I'm not scared at school just when I close my eyes in the shower, sleep, and take out the trash at night.

Being outside in the dark with friends in my town, movies, school, basement, etc don't scare me. But I feel so paranoid. I'm not a heavy pot smoker I've only smoked three times.


  • Don't be mistaken, paranoia is associated with disorders such as schizophrenia, and such. You may just be scared; heightened generalized anxiety. Which is NORMAL. Don't stress.

    Now, with the pot. I'm not against pot, a matter of fact my family uses it occasionally as a relaxant (there's nothing wrong with that). HOWEVER, as a thirteen year old, this is NOT okay. You might want to feel like a rebel, and you probably think you're all cool doing it. Yeah, no. You aren't. Remember, this is coming from a pro-marijuana person. But marijuana causes memory loss and loss of work ethic. You will NOT have the capability for high work ethic-- this will make you unsuccessful; enjoy working at Burger King. You are NOT an adult, you ARE A CHILD. If you don't like hearing that, than too bad, but you are a child, 100% child. You are thirteen not eighteen. Who you are now will change in five years.

    Your brain is still developing, and YOU'RE still developing. Marijuana has positive effects and negative, and while you are still developing, these effects are negative.

    Do it occasionally when you're an adult. You're too young to pull yourself down. Around kids who do it? FIND NEW FRIENDS.

    Smoking pot doesn't make you an adult.

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