Serious older-boy problem...?

I can tell you the whole story if you email me, but I lied about my age to an older boy I practice track with (not to be a whore, it was with best yet stupid intentions so don't lecture me) and he found out... we had really hit it off but then we stopped talking totally when he did and then I saw him at a marathon months later and we sort of made up... then I emailed him a few nights later asking him to homecoming and he didn't respond so I IMed him and asked him if he got it... he said "sorry... I don't think I can" and that was months ago and we haven't talked in person or online since. I'm crazy about this kid but if we can only be friends I'd be okay with that... I just want to know what I can do without seeming any more desperate than I am or like I'm a whore, because I'm NOT... I just really fell for this kid for some reason and I don't know why but I've done crazy things for him and over him and I want it to be worth it.


  • he probally liked you too but now that he knows ur age is probally scared/embarressed cuz your younger than he is. if you havent already just email him once n tell him that you do like him and hope that your age isnt going to really get in the way but if it is then you hope you can still be friends

  • Look baby, i`ve never had to go through this,but you see here if you keep emailing him or something like that he will probably laugh at you with his friends. the thing i know is you are not a whore, u just liked a guy and was`nt true to u or him. sure u will feel like you`ve been dumped but try to keep your mind off of him. spend time with friends,go to the mall(but don`t get carried away) i gurantee it you`ll feel better. But don`t sob and mop around the house all day, just learn from this mistake so you won`t do it again with another boy. know that i care!

  • well take your time but move on don;t talk to him let him think that you don;t care for him just to make him little jealous and really move on you will meet a lot of guys in your life better than him good luck it take time but you will get over it

  • sounds like a movie- if it were, then u should get bak together- GOOD LUCK!

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