Queensland floods, Australia?

Basically I am curious as to where you are from, if you have heard about the massive devastating floods in Northern Australia at the moment, and if your government has provided you with an opportunity to support the cause by making donations?

Just wondering how far spread it is.


  • So far, the Premier's Flood Relief Appeal has raised $35,868,270

    You can donate online by going to: http://www.qld.gov.au/floods/donate.html

    I'm from Victoria so I haven't been affected by the floods, however there has been flash flooding in some areas :s

  • Most of the populated areas of QLD are effected by the floods, Monday the effected area was larger than the American State of Texas if that gives you an idea of scale.

    Tuesday even more of the state flooded- I'm in the Locality of Thagoona which is about 20 minutes west of the city of Ipswich and we got the water through our place 10am Tuesday morning. It RUINED my lounge suite, and I didn't get my favourite kitchen appliances above the waterline! I am SOO pissed off about that!

    Not as pissed off as I am about the fact that we'd been given government assurance that ALL insurance companies would be paying out for flash flooding (what we had) and our insurance company is trying to weasel their way out of paying! We've had this policy for YEARS and they paid out no questions asked last flash flood in 2008 when a local dam burst.

    But at least we got of lighter than a lot of people- my brother in law has lost EVERYTHING, his house went completely under.

  • I am from Queesland about 1 hour to 45 minutes away from flooding towns. Flood are supposed to hit Brisbane and suburbs around brisbane over the next couple of days. There are a total of 50 suburbs that are expected to be flooded within the next couple of days also. You can also help by taking care of peoples animals that have been saved from the floods.

  • Its all over the news where i live.. (england) feel so sorry for those guys :-( i personally have donated half my pay cheque this month to the cause! Im poor now but hope i helped some!

  • i'm also from victoria and i have heard about little else (ok, a little about the fires in western australia also)

    yes, there are plenty of avenues to make donations

  • Im from Scotland and we,ll be making donations to help the Australians .

  • i live in brisbane australia... it hit brisbane at it's worst this morning... just before sunrise. so far my place is fine... but... just down the road... floods are over the roads and parks and yeah...

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