im always depressed...........?

i fell in love with this one girl but she doesn't feel the same about me and it continues to eat away at me and rip me at my very mental core and this constant pressure that i feel fills me with umbrage and sorrow and im not sure what i should do (please don't say something basic like "just forget about her"because i can't I've tried several times)

I've constantly seen suicide as a very valid option and I've even planned it out but i don't want to just give everything up

if i could see her smile one last time then i would cut off these dumb ideas


  • Im guessing you are quite young?

    Heartbreak is one inevitable part of life. But its not worth giving your life for.

    You could consider anti depressants. Though I am against them.

    What your feeling is normal. And in the end it will make you a stronger person.

  • hmm..well.. ..plz don loose hope becuz evn i underwent the same situation once,but i never gave up..never show dem that ur upset, if she is really concernd abt u den she wud never liv u lyk dis, and think abt ur future buddy..becuz wen u choose someone she is goin to stay till the end of yo life..and u cannot think about spendin yo life with someone lyk her.. this is not the matter of one day or two...and hav patience..dere will b somethin gud in store fr u..and if u ask abt me.. im the happiest person in the world took a bit long..

    but its never difficult and i felt stupid becuz.. if dere r 100ds of peole who care fo me den y shud i break my head fo dat person who never cared..


  • Please seek professional help from someone licensed to help you. If you already made some steps towards a plan of action, things are gravely serious. Even If you love someone dearly, you should not end your life because if them.

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