how do you bypass a websense blocker?

im stuck in school in a class two grades below mine cuz i got kicked out of gym. anyone know how i can get on aim?


  • Proxies are blocked in order to keep malware out of school computers, so your personal web surfing will have to wait until you get home from school. Don't risk getting suspend or getting your computer privileges taken away. Use school computers for school work and you'll have more time at home for your personal web surfing.

  • Trying to hack a school's computer security System is now a Federal offense! You are obviously having a hard time following the rules, and now you want to break into a school's security system? No wonder you are in the class you are now, you obviously didn't learn much when you were there two years ago.

  • You got kicked out of gym, now you're trying to get expelled.

    Bypassing official web blocks is rather a serious matter. If you were in a job it could get you fired.

  • Try this newest proxy:

    Sign up on the right hand side to get working proxies in your email:

  • hahah the other answer made me LOL obviously no idea at alllll what school or college is like, hahahahaha

    try those funky websites, anddd others search proxys on google.


  • You asked the question you get a CORRECT ANSWER!!!

    go to

    enter your URL and you're on your way.

    Edit: My bad i misread if you have a flash drive you can download this for your flash drive and your set.

    If you can't enter this site use the URL i gave you in the first place to access it.

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