Do you know Him as your Lord?

If You Only Knew The Freedom I Feel

By Julie S. Cave

I heard His wooing long ago.

Yet this world I wouldn't let go.

What a fool I had become,

The day I turned from Gods only Son.

My life was in a sinful race,

Until I met the Master face to face.

Time stood still for me that day,

As I answered Him in a harsh, harsh way.

I was tired of the game that I was playing.

It was all the way or no way I began saying.

This middle ground was no place to be.

I was for Him or against Him was my plea.

What could make me love you I told.

I found out as my life began to unfold.

I love you now Lord more than I did then.

Thank you for your love and taking of my sin.

Thank you for Grace,Mercy and story's untold.

Thank you Lord for saving my soul.

If you only knew the freedom I feel.

You would truly know that Jesus is real.


  • It's a nice testimonial and poem. The Christians will love it no doubt. Why don't you post it in the religious and spirituality section or the poetry section.

  • While I have nothing against your beliefs; I believe this is not the right place to post this poem, as you are offending the Non-Christians. Either ask this question on Religion & Spirituality or Poetry.

  • Awesome, I love it! Good rhyme, good rhythm, wonderful meaning though it get's a little vague at the turning point. What caused the change of heart beyond your life unfolding before you? It's not quiet clear at that point but other than that it's wonderful! :)

    Don't let the haters flog you ;)

  • It's pretty good, I love the message as a Christian, but there are some grammar/spacing mistakes. And don't let the inevitable hate from the atheists on this site stop you.

  • My Goddess gave birth to your Lord.

  • Want to hear my poem about Santa? Actually, nevermind, it's exactly the same except I replaced Jesus with his friend Santa.

  • I know him as my guide and I try to make him my Lord in every moment. I don't always succeed but that's okay.

  • Well "he" doesn't quite exist, so no.

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