How does assonance enhance a poem?

I'm writing a poem for my reading class and we're supposed to enhance a poem by using assonance or alliteration. How?!


  • Assonance is repeating the 'vowel sound' within a sentence, so as to make it more musical. For example, "YOU TOO came with me TO the BLUE". In that sentence, the vowel sound 'U' constantly keeps repeating itself, but with different words.

    Alliteration whereas, is using words that sound the same in the beginning of the words. For example, "SEriously SEnsual Silk SAffrons".

    I guess I made clear. If you can choose any one between assonance and alliteration, I suggest you pick alliteration.

  • Scientists say that if 1 million monkeys were given an infinate amount of time, then they could write the entire works of Shakespeare. Your poem: Three monkeys; five minutes

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