Do ducks use Facebook?

I'm especially interested in Scottish ducks.


  • Not me. Why do you ask ?

    I see there is a Philip K Duck on Facebook, but it ain't me.

    i only use this forum, but Yahoo puts our material on other sites, as I'm sure you know.

  • Yes

    you can find them all over the place

    they got tons of ducks taking pictures of themselves with their duck friends all the time.

    Usually they're in a club which is weird cuz its nowhere near a pond but i guess ducks like to wonder around sometime

  • The founder and CEO of Facebook,is Mark Duckerberg..A Jewish duck,with a Scottish accent...

  • Because we like you, Duck.

  • relies upon on who you ask and who you're. clearly human beings have distinctive evaluations. It kinda relies upon,everybody is distinctive, some human beings seem amazing while they do the duck face, others seem rather stupid.

  • Never seen them on FB, but I have seen one on a few other internet forums. You might be able to persuade him.

  • Bang lol

  • Usually teenage girls

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