Photography special effects?

i was wondering how they moved the sparkler to get this effect?

iknow the settings you need for the camera im just wondering how they got the circle swirl kinda effect


and this one


  • Just swirl it in diminishing circles. Orbs are done by spinning the light source on the end of a rope.

  • When you see such a perfect circle effect it's likely that what was used to create the light was being swung on the end of a line of some type. Where the circles get ever smaller then the line is probably attached to a stick and the line is being wound around the stick as the shot progresses.

  • Try a strobe light and photograph running water or a spinning fan. With the water, you will get the individual drops instead of a stream. With a fan, you will get the motion blur of the blades plus the light will pick out the individual blades if the frequency of the strobe is right. Try regular lights but with colored gels. Get a small flashlight, wait for night time, With the camera mounted on a tripod, lock the shutter open and draw patterns in the air or write stuff. When you develop the film, you will see light trails tracing the light or spelling out the words.

  • Not sure how they did it but I guess you can get this effect if you have the string wrap around something as it spins so the circles get smaller. Tilt it slightly upward to make it more dense at the bottom.

    As for the other image, google "ball of light photography" and/or watch this video:

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