Do i have a unique look or am I average?

I am average at everything at life i was wondering if it was looks included



  • Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, and no matter how many generations pass by, no matter what race, religion or region this is ALWAYS true. To me you are breath takingly beautiful. I have no reason to lie to you since I am engaged and you are a random person on the internet. But you are really really beautiful FAR from 'average'!

  • You have beautiful eyes - I agree with misty, some good mascara and liquid liner would really make them pop.

    You have kind of an olden day (kind of like a pin up) look which not everyone is lucky enough to have so you should love it!

  • more unique but not bad unique a little quarky but dont worry no one will stop and stare at you the last pic wwas nice and looked the best i would reccomend bringing out your eyes with volumizing mascara and liquid eyeliner

  • it will depend on the each person but to me you are beautiful and you don't plaster yourself with make up like most teenagers do which is a bonus!

    still even with out make-up you'll look just as good.

  • unique. your eyes are huge! they make you have a quirky prettiness, kinda like zooey deschanel:

  • def average look

  • pace is really pretty..lose some weight?

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