Natural eyesight improvement?

I know it is possible but I need some help. Does anyone know a free, good website that offer some advice.


  • Nick

    see my best answer here for help

    improving visual acuity seems to take longer than curing serious eye disease like glaucoma, cataracts, retinopathy and even blindness seems to do for some reason as all of these have been reversed with this program so it may take time.

    also dont overlook the hallelujah diet at as I heard the originator of the program speak on person saying he went form strong glasses to being able to pass drivers test with 20-20 after years of this diet at age of 75 or so

    If using the eyewash formula that is recommended be sure to do the other stuff to like the brain herbs, slant board, etc Diet is also important for optimal results.

  • You haven’t said what is wrong with your eyesight. But if you have near or farsightedness, you have a type of refractive error of the eye – the physical length of the eye is different than the optical length. The problem is the shape of the eyeball and no medicine, herb, supplement, diet or exercise can change that.

    The only available options are glasses, contacts or surgery.

    Ignore quacks who say otherwise. They are only after your money.

    Janie for example is claiming the herbal potions she is linking to will CURE glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retnopathy and blindness. Utter rubbish. There is no cure for glaucoma, cataracts are treated by surgery, diabetic retnopathy is treated by laser, surgery or medication injections, and blindness?

    Janie if you can prove me wrong by providing peer reviewed scientific data supporting your claim that Dr Richard' Schulze's eye wash formula, or this Dr John Christopher’s concoctions can CURE just glaucoma, go right ahead. I do not want to see testimonials – they are meaningless. Proper clinical trial data please. Then we can start Dr Schulze’s Nobel Prize paperwork. Otherwise stop shilling your quackery here.

    Nick - get your eyes tested if you haven't already.

  • Are your eyeballs misshapen? Near sighted? Far sighted? Astigmatic?

    Get glasses - end of story.

    Nothing can correct the shape of your eye.

    Got something more serious going on? Uveitis is the most common category of eye disorder, and most common cause of loss of vision.


    They don't use kumbayah, wishful thinking and eye washes to treat uveitis - they use the most powerful and serious medicines on the planet. Know why? Because when you can lose your vision, you don't **** around with salad fixins and trying to focus on the tip of your nose. Period.

    All that total nonsense about diet and herbs?

    Kumbayah and wishful thinking.

    If you don't know what is wrong with your eyes - find out - there are causes of vision loss where time is of the essence.

  • My experience was that you get sore eyeball muscles! They may help focus very slightly. The eye doctor tells me the lenses harden with age and that is the story. Strengthing your eyeball muscles is not going to flex the lenses apparently.

  • Its not possible

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